Halal marketing strategies of Malaysian homestay providers on halal destination brand equity

  • Nuraini Ismail
  • Kamisah Supian
  • Aznita Ahmad
Keywords: Halal tourism, homestay, economic growth, brand equity, Islamic practices


Malaysia has a distinct position in global tourism as a predominantly Muslim
country. The nation is notable for attracting Muslim tourists. Before the COVID-19 pandemic,
the demand for homestays in Malaysia increased dramatically in recent years. This
encouraging rise demonstrates how the homestays are having a significant influence on
Malaysia's tourism industry. Thus, the homestay programme has been acknowledged as a
crucial driver of Malaysia's economic growth. However, the lack of research on homestays in
the context of halal tourism highlights an important gap in understanding how these services
may successfully satisfy the demands of Muslim tourists while adhering to Islamic practices.
Due to the growing popularity of halal tourism, thorough studies need to be conducted to
systematically analyse the degree of halal practices and halal marketing strategies in the
homestay industry. By addressing this gap, this research aims to provide significant insights
into the effectiveness of halal practices and halal marketing strategies in the homestay
industry and develop a model of halal destination brand equity. This research intends to
provide a broader understanding of how to optimise homestays for the halal tourism industry
and contribute to the wider field of halal tourism research.

How to Cite
Ismail, N., Supian, K., & Ahmad, A. (2024). Halal marketing strategies of Malaysian homestay providers on halal destination brand equity. Selangor Business Review, 9(2), 126-142. Retrieved from https://sbr.journals.unisel.edu.my/ojs/index.php/sbr/article/view/171